Friday, June 21, 2013

11 months down...

Drum roll please... 11 months down, O-N-E to go!  Shut up!  You don't actually have to shut up, I just got a little excited there.  I can see the finish line in the distance, and it is rapidly approaching.  I am going to save all of my stats for next month, as I don't think there will be much change between now and then.  I don't want to give everything away, and then have nothing to write about when I post about the completion of my challenge.  Don't worry, you will get full disclosure in my 12-month post.

I have been having a hard time eating as cleanly as I should lately, especially given the fact that I am going to list my body fat on the Internet for all to see in a few short weeks.  It turns out that I just love to eat junk.  I know that I shouldn't, but oftentimes, I feel like I cannot control myself. Through this challenge, I think I have figured out that I'm plagued by stress-eating and even mild compulsive overeating.  These issues are something that I have to work through on a daily basis, and am trying to address in a healthy manner.  Rome wasn't built in a day, so I am aware that it is going to take me some time to change my relationship with food.  

I haven't posted any workouts in quite some time, so I am going to give you a sample of what I did this past week.  First, I offer a piece of advice.  Do not, and I repeat do not, complete the first workout listed below on a day where it is over 100 degrees in your gym aka garage.  If you do, you will send yourself into mild heat stress, as I did on Father's Day.  Sorry honey, I will make that one up to you.  It was awful and I thought I was going to die. Remember, consult a physician before beginning a physical training program, as you could be a moron like me and end up hurting yourself.


Back squat (5 repetitions of each) - 50, 60, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95


Run to the end of the street and back
Burpees - 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Ball Slams with a 25 pound ball - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Run to the end of the street and back (then lay on the garage floor in front of a fan and try not to puke)
= 18:09


Snatch to overhead squat (3 reps of each) - 10 sets with a 15 kilogram/33 pound bar


Kettlebell swings with a 35 pound kettlebell x 15
Sit-ups x 15
Complete 4 rounds as quickly as possible while maintaining good technique
= 3:59


Back squat (5 repetitions of each) - 50, 60, 70, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100


Dumbbell push press with 15 pound dumbbells x 20
Row x 10 strokes
Burpees x 5
Complete 3 rounds as quickly as possible while maintaining good technique
= 4:52

From now through July 21, I am going to eat as cleanly as possible.  No more cheats, no more excuses. 

Sunday, June 9, 2013

So proud...

I am so proud to introduce a new blog that I will be following religiously. Chasing old gold is my husband's new blog about Olympic weightlifting and his pursuit of gold at the Masters level.  He's not only an amazing husband and father, but he is also one heck of an athlete.  Anyone that can throw 205 pounds over their head in one swift motion is an awesome athlete in my book!  I don't mean to brag, but I think he's pretty great. Click the link above to check it out and see him in action!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Missing in action...

So, I've been completely MIA lately and I am sorry.  My son started swim lessons and it is a daily thing.  I am not sure what I was thinking when I signed him up.  It's like having a full time job on top of a full time job.  It is fun playing in a pool that overlooks the ocean though.  Either way, it's been far too long since I last posted.

I have 44 days left in my flab to fab challenge, and I am sabotaging myself. It's like my brain -- and stomach -- know that I am nearing the finish line and are bombarding me with cravings.  I haven't cheated in a while, but it is getting quite difficult to stay on the straight and narrow.  As I said, I haven't cheated on my diet, but I am not making the best food choices.  All I want to eat are corn chips.  I know that this is crunch time (no pun intended) and I should be eating as cleanly as possible and working out quite a bit, but I can't bring myself to do it.  My workouts are okay, but I am not killing it in the gym like I want to be.  Maybe it's the fact that it's 90 degrees outside with a heat index of 105 that is causing my laziness.  It's a wet heat, the kind that makes you feel like your breathing through a blanket.  Ah... the South in June.

I need to find my motivation!  I still have body fat left to lose.  I need to get my stuff together!  HELP!