Physical Training Log

Beginning September 7, 2012, my weekly workouts are going to appear on the main page.  Now, there will be an archive of my weekly physical training.  Check the main page of the blog every Friday for my updated workouts!


  1. Great job Kell! I may take your work-outs when I am in school and do them the following week to try and get as fast or strong as you ;)!! I am so impressed and loving this blog.

    1. Thanks!! That sounds like a plan! If you ever have a question about a movement, please let me know and I will either post a video or talk you through it. I am pretty sure you know your stuff though!

  2. I will have to modify rowing because we don't have that machine at school but I can run or jump rope instead. I am also going to try and do some of the cross-fit workouts even though I won't be going to their gym.

    1. Jump rope is an awesome alternative. When you become proficient in singles, you can progress to double-unders. They are much more taxing! If you need help coming up with workouts, we'd be more than happy to help!

    2. I have tried double-unders at Cross-Fit and can get one maybe two in a row. I continue to try and get more but I think I have to find a good jump rope for consistency. How do you think I should equal rowing to jump rope. Most workouts are about 500M rows. How long should I jump?

    3. Double-unders are difficult! I was actually trying to teach Rebecca how to do them yesterday. A good jump rope is key. See what kind they have at your box and buy one. It will be worth it! This is what I was having Rebecca do - single, single, single, double-under, single, single, single, double-under. Try that and see if you can get yourself into a rhythm. You are going to slap me when I tell you how much jump rope would equal a 500 meter row. A 500 meter row should take between 2:00 and 2:30, so you would have to jump rope for about 2:00. Back in the day, before every box had a rower, if you couldn't row the CrossFit prescribed substitution was... sumo deadlift high pulls. I think you are familiar with those from yesterday's workout. So you can always sub those for a row. I hope that helps!

    4. The sumo deadlift high pulls make sense because it is a similar movement to rowing. I will keep that in mind and decide depending on the workout. The jumproping for 2+ minutes will be a great endurance workout and the sumos are better for strength.
