Monday, October 22, 2012

Three months down...

It has been three months since I started my blog and my fitness and nutrition programs.  I actually can’t believe I’ve made it three months without falling off the wagon.  Generally, it is pretty easy for me to jump off the wagon and let it run me over.  For some reason, I have decided to actually stick with this program.  This journey has really been more about mental toughness for me.  It’s been about saying “no” when my taste buds scream “yes.”  It’s been about making difficult food choices, when making easy ones would be so much, well… easier.

Let’s jump into what everyone is dying to know.  I have seen a zero pound weight loss this month.  I was a bit frustrated about this initially.  Then, I decided to try on a pair of pants that had been pretty snug before I got pregnant.  Much to my surprise (more like shock), they fit!  I proudly wore them to lunch with a friend, to the park with my family, and to dinner that night.  I probably would have slept in them if I’d thought about it.  This, once again, is a reminder that the number on the scale really means nothing.  I am obviously losing body fat, and that’s what I’ve wanted to do all along.  Also, I have noticed that my baby belly is slowly disappearing.  It’s not disappearing fast enough for me, but I am satisfied that it is actually going away.  My husband reinforces these observations, which is both sweet and motivating at the same time. 

As far as my physical training is concerned, I have hit a wall.  If you have seen any of my physical training logs, you will know that I have switched things up for the time being.  My back has acted up since I began this journey.  I attribute this to my weak abdominal wall.  I think my back’s been overcompensating for the fact that I had major abdominal surgery 10 months ago.  Although, I am not sure how much longer I will get away with blaming my c-section.  No matter the cause, I had to do something about it.  I have temporarily stopped lifting heavy weights and am solely focusing on metabolic conditioning workouts.  Again, this is only temporary.  Look to future physical training logs for updates in my training.    

I think the biggest thing to take away from my third month of flab to fab is that mental toughness is just as important as physical toughness.  I will go out on a limb and say it is more important.  So, if you want to complete a marathon, a triathlon, a 5K, or if you just want to be able to say no to cupcakes, believing you can do it is just as important as doing it.  

Three months down, nine to go!


  1. We all knew you were tough enough to do it! It helps you are holding yourself accountable via the internet so you don't want to lie or let others down. When you let others in on your journey it is much harder to cheat because you feel guilty. I am so proud of you!!
