Let me begin by saying my heart goes out to everyone sifting though their water soaked lives in New York and New Jersey. In 2005, Terry and I lost most of our belongings to a flood. I know what it feels like to sift through your worldly possessions, hoping to find one dry treasure. The only piece of advice I have is to hold on to your loved ones, they are irreplaceable. All of the "stuff" can be replaced and fixed.
On to the PT! I decided to try my hand at lifting this week. I've had a few weeks off, and I decided to see what happened. My workout went fine. I found one repetition maxes on the overhead press and back squat. I was excited, as I had improved from the last time I found my one repetitions maxes. Then it happened... I was standing at the sink brushing my teeth and my back seized up. I thought I was going to fall to the floor. At that moment, I decided I am not lifting heavy weights for the rest of the year. So much for being able to hulk smash people. I am going to concentrate on running and metabolic conditioning workouts (metcons). I will put the deadlift, back squat, and overhead press into my metcons, but I am not doing them separately. It is causing my back too many issues, and for goodness sake, I love carrying around my 20 pound boy!
Remember, the workouts listed below are a representation of what I completed this week. Please consult your physician before beginning a physical training program.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Run/walk my neighborhood loop
= 18:45
* This loop is approximately 1.5 miles. I probably ran a little over 1 mile and walked the rest as a warm-up and cool down.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Press (find a 1 rep max) – 45, 55, 65, 70, 80
* On 05/17/12, my 1 rep max was 75 pounds
Back Squat (find 1 rep max) – 45, 55, 65, 75, 85, 95, 105, 115
* On 05/14/12, my 1 rep max was 105
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Run to the entrance of the neighborhood and back
Overhead squats (18 pounds) x 10
Run to the stop sign and back
Overhead squats (18 pounds) x 15
Run to the farther than normal mailbox and back
Overhead squats (18 pounds) x 20
= 15:54
* The total distance I ran was approximately 1 mile.
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