Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Here's a blast from the past for you.  This is what I looked like my senior year in college.  If you can't find me, I am on the far left and am the only one wearing glasses.  Drinking, poor eating habits, lack of exercise, lack of sleep, and drinking (again) probably led to my physique.  I put this on here, because people often say, "It's different for you, you've been fit your whole life."  If the photo isn't proof enough let me reiterate, I have not been fit my whole life.  I actually didn't begin caring about exercise and nutrition until I met my husband at the end of 2002.  And, I still don't consider myself fit, but more on the path to fitness.  Everyone has to start somewhere.  Whether it's today or tomorrow or you started last week. Finding your path to a healthier lifestyle can only lead to a healthier you. Enjoy!      

I love this photo by the way.  Some of my best friends in the world are in it.


  1. Wow this picture makes me so happy! Mainly because I'm 95 lbs lighter now... and I love my girls!

    1. That's awesome Robin!!! You should be so proud of yourself!!
