Tuesday, January 22, 2013


This post has nothing to do with exercise or nutrition.  I just wanted to give you a glimpse into my brain.  Sometimes being a stay-at home mom is hard.  Hard?!  Yes, hard.  Sometimes I miss working.  I was quite good at my job and, for the most part, I enjoyed my work.  Sometimes, I just want to get out of bed, take an extra-long shower, straighten my hair and do my makeup, put on a pretty outfit with accessories, drive-thru Starbucks, and go to my office.  I want to sit there and talk to other adults about adult things.  I want to spend hours finding background information on subjects, then track them down and interview them, getting them to confess things they thought they never would.  It's like the ultimate game of cat and mouse.  I want to write affidavits and appear in court.  I want to feel like I have a brain.  If you don't know what I used to do, use your imagination.

Five seconds after these thoughts cross my mind, I feel an enormous sense of guilt.  I love my baby.  I love being at home with him, watching all of his firsts.  I love to watch his little mind work as he figures things out.  I love the sweet smile that crosses his face when he accomplishes something that he's proud of.  I love his contagious laugh and the way he smells.  I love the sweet sounds he makes when we're playing.  I love being blessed enough to spend my days with him, I really do.  He is a joy and I am very lucky.  

I think as moms we are often times very hard on ourselves.  There is a lot of guilt that comes with being a parent.  Guilt for thinking about our child-less days or for trolling Facebook when we should be pureeing baby food. What makes matters worse is that we are also judgmental and critical towards one another.  Stay-at-home moms judge moms who work, and moms who work judge stay-at-home moms.  How about we not judge each other, and instead be kind to one another.  After all, we all want what's best for our kids and we don't know what personal struggles go on behind closed doors.  

He is the best boss I've ever had!  And the smartest, cutest, and most wonderful!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Jen. I know this great photographer. ;)

  2. I agree - very well put. It is sometimes hard to remember that everyone struggles with these types of questions and the factors that go in to them are always different but everyone is just making the best call they can at the time. We should also be kind and understanding towards the Dad's too - we might as well be generous with our kindness.

  3. I think you will go back to work one day.
