Friday, June 21, 2013

11 months down...

Drum roll please... 11 months down, O-N-E to go!  Shut up!  You don't actually have to shut up, I just got a little excited there.  I can see the finish line in the distance, and it is rapidly approaching.  I am going to save all of my stats for next month, as I don't think there will be much change between now and then.  I don't want to give everything away, and then have nothing to write about when I post about the completion of my challenge.  Don't worry, you will get full disclosure in my 12-month post.

I have been having a hard time eating as cleanly as I should lately, especially given the fact that I am going to list my body fat on the Internet for all to see in a few short weeks.  It turns out that I just love to eat junk.  I know that I shouldn't, but oftentimes, I feel like I cannot control myself. Through this challenge, I think I have figured out that I'm plagued by stress-eating and even mild compulsive overeating.  These issues are something that I have to work through on a daily basis, and am trying to address in a healthy manner.  Rome wasn't built in a day, so I am aware that it is going to take me some time to change my relationship with food.  

I haven't posted any workouts in quite some time, so I am going to give you a sample of what I did this past week.  First, I offer a piece of advice.  Do not, and I repeat do not, complete the first workout listed below on a day where it is over 100 degrees in your gym aka garage.  If you do, you will send yourself into mild heat stress, as I did on Father's Day.  Sorry honey, I will make that one up to you.  It was awful and I thought I was going to die. Remember, consult a physician before beginning a physical training program, as you could be a moron like me and end up hurting yourself.


Back squat (5 repetitions of each) - 50, 60, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95


Run to the end of the street and back
Burpees - 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Ball Slams with a 25 pound ball - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Run to the end of the street and back (then lay on the garage floor in front of a fan and try not to puke)
= 18:09


Snatch to overhead squat (3 reps of each) - 10 sets with a 15 kilogram/33 pound bar


Kettlebell swings with a 35 pound kettlebell x 15
Sit-ups x 15
Complete 4 rounds as quickly as possible while maintaining good technique
= 3:59


Back squat (5 repetitions of each) - 50, 60, 70, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100


Dumbbell push press with 15 pound dumbbells x 20
Row x 10 strokes
Burpees x 5
Complete 3 rounds as quickly as possible while maintaining good technique
= 4:52

From now through July 21, I am going to eat as cleanly as possible.  No more cheats, no more excuses. 

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