Monday, April 22, 2013

N-I-N-E months down...

It's been nine months since I started my flab to fab program, which means I only have three months to go.  You're welcome for that brief lesson in mathematics.  I am quite proud of myself for making it this far with only a handful of "cheats".  As this challenge progresses, it gets a bit harder for me to stay on the straight and narrow.  Since I am so close, I am going to focus on doing the best that I can for the next three months.

As most of you know -- during this month -- I tried the 21-day sugar detox. I wasn't very successful at it, although I learned quite a bit during my almost 11 "clean" days.  I am trying to remember those lessons and be smarter about consuming sugar.

Here are my stats for this month:

I am still 11 pounds under my pre-pregnacy weight, and 16 pounds under where I was when I started this program nine months ago.  My clothes are starting to get loose, and I see a shopping trip in my future.  While I didn't lose any weight this month, I am still seeing changes in my body signifying that I am probably dropping body fat.  I am quite happy with my progress thus far.  I don't think I will lose any more weight during this challenge, and I am fine with that.  I just want to lose body fat and gain more muscle definition.  Below you will find an updated picture my husband took this weekend.  Please excuse my bad posture and the stupid look on my face.

My new running skirt and top.

Thanks for taking this journey with me and leaving positive, uplifting comments.  They are very helpful.  Only three more months to go!

Friday, April 19, 2013

Game over...

My 21-day sugar detox is over.  I made it almost 11 days before my weakness for sugar caused me to cave in to the cravings that I'd been trying to ignore.  As the days progressed, the detox got harder and harder and the cravings got louder and louder.  What did I do to derail myself after almost 11 "clean" days?  I ate corn chips -- lots of them -- and soy ice cream.  It was glorious and wonderful.  As an aside, when I derailed myself from the detox, I still stayed clean on my flab to fab plan.  It's the small victories that count.  

Was I mad at myself?  Yes, but not for long.  You see, about day six I decided this detox wasn't for me.  I can do pretty much anything I put my mind to, but this pushed me over the edge.  I have been working very hard in the gym the last couple of months, and this detox set me back.  Each time I worked out, I felt weaker.  On the days I completed my heavy lifts, I almost passed out.  I have no problem tweaking my diet, but I am not going to continue doing something that is messing with my progress in the gym.  Maybe that makes me weak, but maybe it makes me smart.  I don't really care which one it is, the fact of the matter is I'm done and I am fine with it.

The good news is that I learned quite a bit during my almost 11 "clean" days.  I am going to be smarter about when I ingest my sugar.  If I want to drink one of my iced tea k-cups, I am going to drink it immediately following a workout, so my body can metabolize it faster.  The same goes for fruit.  I am also going to try to eat more vegetables, as I have enjoyed doing that these past few days.  As an added benefit, my sweet boy has loved every new veggie he's tried during this time.  I am going to do my best to avoid refined sugar as much as I can, although I was doing that before.

I just want to make it clear to my readers that I complete detoxes and challenges as a way to better myself, not as a way to lose weight.  In fact, if you click the link above, the person who created the 21-day sugar detox specifically states that it is not a weight loss program.  As a reminder, I started my flab to fab program to find my inner athlete.  Weight loss has just been an added benefit post-pardum, and I am happy with where I am. I will continue my flab to fab program, because I made the commitment to create a healthier lifestyle for me and my family.    

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

This detox sucks!

I am on day ten of the 21-Day Sugar Detox, and it sucks.  I am tired, grouchy, hungry, and craving sugar like it's oxygen.  The beginning of the challenge was a breeze for me.  It wasn't until I hit day five that things went south.  I had previously reported that I was feeling fuller longer after eating a meal.  Unfortunately for me, this is no longer the case.  In fact, I almost passed out mid-workout on day five.  That has never happened to me before, even in the extreme heat.  Do you know what my saving grace was as I limped into the house that afternoon?  Coconut water!  I am slowly getting used to the taste, but on that day it served it's purpose and made me feel human again.  You can think of coconut water as primitive man's gatorade.

Another lovely side effect that I am dealing with right now is sleep disruption.  I've slept very poorly for the past few days.  I wake up feeling exhausted, and anyone with a toddler knows you must get your rest.  I don't normally nap during the day, but I have been sneaking a short one when I can find the time.

Finally, I had a very stressful weekend, and I am a world renowned stress eater.  I wanted a cookie or a mocha or a stupid piece of fruit so bad I pouted.  It didn't help that my beloved husband ate Ben and Jerry's right in front of me.  While I did eat half a strawberry, I didn't come completely off the program.  I am not certain I can continue with this madness.  The cravings keep coming and show no sign of disappearing.  I am going to do my best to make it another 11 days, but this is hard.  

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

21-day sugar detox, day 4...

It's day four of my 21-day sugar detox.  So far, I feel pretty good.  I haven't had any crazy headaches or cravings, as a lot of people report in the first few days.  I will admit that yesterday I wanted to sail through the McDonald's drive thru and score a half sweet, half un-sweet tea.  It's my Tuesday ritual after all.  But, I didn't cave to that craving and I lived to tell the tale.  My biggest issue thus far is with drinks i.e. what to drink.  I can only handle so much water in a 24-hour period.  During the past few days, plain black tea and sparkling water have been my go to drinks when I get tired of regular h20.  As an aside, I challenge you to track the amount of calories you are drinking.  I think you will be shocked.

I have noticed a couple changes during this brief time.  First, I feel fuller longer after a meal.  I used to feel hungry throughout the day and that doesn't seem to be happening anymore.  I don't know if I can attribute this to the detox or if it's because I've been busy.  Either way, I like it.  Second, certain vegetables now taste like candy.  Yesterday, I diced up some peppers and tomatoes and they both tasted way sweeter than normal. Delicious!  Yes, I realize tomatoes are technically a fruit, but they are allowed on the detox.

If you recall in my last post, I discussed how I was allowed eight ounces of coconut water each day and one green apple.  If you have never tasted coconut water, I do not recommend it.  I don't care for it, as I think it tastes like dirt.  I will finish that last little bit that I have, since I am too cheap to throw it away.  I know there are a ton of benefits to coconut water, but it's really yucky!  As far as the green apple is concerned, that has been my go to dessert.  I generally eat it about an hour after dinner.  I am not the biggest fan of green apples either, but I think that as the challenge progresses the apple will taste less tart.

If you have done any research on the 21-day sugar detox, I am a level three, which is the most restrictive.  If you are going to try this detox, I suggest you start with the level one.  Otherwise, I think you are setting yourself up for failure.  Level three is generally for people who have already given up most gluten and dairy.  If you haven't looked at the specifics of the detox, check it out using the link above.  

I'm quite happy with where I am on day four.  Sometimes, I just need a little push to help me clean up my diet.

Friday, April 5, 2013

The 21-day sugar detox...

As I admitted in my last post, I am addicted to sugar.  I desperately need to do something to break myself of this addiction.  My sister-in-law completed The 21-Day Sugar Detox in January, and challenged me to try it myself.  She said it had a profound effect on her sugar addiction, and I am hoping that it will do the same for me.  This detox is not for the faint of heart.  I showed it to Rebecca, my friend/neighbor/sometimes training partner, and she promptly exclaimed, "I will NEVER do that!"  She acted as if I'd asked her to streak through our neighborhood.  It was hilarious! No, really it was... I guess you had to be there.

If you click the link above, you can see what the challenge is all about.  To someone else, even the idea of doing this may seem impossible and highly restrictive.  The reality is I am already gluten and dairy free, so all I'm cutting out is fruit, iced tea, corn products, and dark chocolate.  "Oh, that doesn't sound too bad," you say.  Just wait, on day three my husband will probably bury my whiny behind in the backyard.  This challenge is going to be hard!  I restrict my table sugar intake, not my fruit intake.  I am a fruit-a-holic.

For brevity, I am going to list the things I cannot have.  Remember, I already don't eat gluten or dairy, so those are obvious and I am not typing out every form of dairy and gluten.  I am lazy that way.  I cannot eat fruit of any kind (see below), corn and corn products, sweet potatoes, white potatoes, winter squash,  peanuts or peanut butter, cashews or cashew butter, barley, black beans, buckwheat, garbanzo beans, lentils, pinto beans, quinoa, red beans, rice of any kind, soy, alcohol, pre-sweetened coffee or tea drinks, juice, rice milk, soda (regular or diet), protein powder, soy sauce, bottled salad dressing, supplements that contain sugar, AND last but not least, anything diet or sugar free.  I know what you're thinking, "That's it?  Piece of cake!"  Thanks, now I want a piece of cake.

It is important to note that each day, I can consume one green apple or one green banana.  I am opting for the green apple, since those don't get sweeter as they ripen.  I am also allowed eight ounces of coconut water per day.  I've never had coconut water, but I figure it is worth a try.  I will probably cling to these two "sweet" products for dear life.  This challenge has an added level of difficulty for me because my husband and son are not participating.  I can deal with my husband not participating, but I have to feed my son and he loves fruit.  I guess I'll have to be careful not to steal food from my child.  Let's be honest, I sound insane.

I am intrigued to see what happens during these 21 days.  My sister-in-law told me that the first five days were really difficult.  I've also read that during the first few days, I should be prepared to exist with a constant headache.  Sounds like fun, doesn't it?  I plan to start on Sunday, April 7 and finish on Saturday, April 27.  I will keep you updated via my blog on how I am doing throughout the challenge.  Anyone care to join in on the craziness?  No?  I don't blame you.  

Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter fail...

I'm addicted to sugar.  There, I've said it.  I have been having a really hard time lately eating according to my rules, especially when it comes to sugar. Sugar has cast a spell on me, and I can't seem to come out of it.  At the beginning of this challenge, I don't feel like I had a hard time keeping sugar at bay.  Then I ate cake on my baby's first birthday, and I feel like it has been downhill ever since.  Each day, sugar wraps its fine crystals more tightly around me, like a snake does to its prey.  I try to get away, but I can't.  It just tastes too good.  

So here is my admission.  This weekend I ate soy ice cream.  It was far tastier than I thought it would be.  It didn't have gluten or dairy, so I don't really consider it a cheat.  Although, I probably should consider it a cheat due to the amount of sugar it contained.  Not too bad right?  Wrong.  Then I really cheated.  I ate a rather large cookie.  A chocolate chunk cookie from Starbucks to be exact.  It was divine and I savored every sugary bite. In case you were wondering, that cookie contained gluten, dairy, and sugar. Oops!

Do you see that beautiful cookie sitting there?  YUM!
Now I've cheated on my diet three times in almost nine months.  When you look at the totality of the time I've eaten cleanly, three times doesn't seem so bad.  However, I have decided that I need to recommit myself to this challenge, and I am doing that right now.  I am going to try to satiate my sugar cravings by eating fruit.  I can't promise that I am not going to cheat on my diet again, but I am sure going to try to do better.  Now, someone please hold me accountable because it is obvious that I can't be trusted!  As an aside, I realize there are far more serious issues in the world than eating a cookie.