Friday, December 7, 2012

Physical Training Log

Happy Friday!  It is almost the weekend!  Hooray!  Here are the workouts I reluctantly completed this week.  We had family in town, and I always try to use that as an excuse not to workout.  Luckily for me, I got off my hiney and hit the gym.

As always, the workouts listed below are a representation of what I completed this week.  Please consult your physician before beginning a physical training program.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Run the neighborhood loop + a bit more
= 20:33

* This loop is approximately 1.5 miles.  I added a bit more distance this week.  According to, I ran about 2.05 miles.  This run was hard, but my brother ran with me, so that was fun!  Remember, my goal is to run the loop twice. 

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Run to my neighbor's mailbox and back
Complete as many burpees as you can until your training partner returns from their run
Complete 4 rounds
= 14:59

* I did 17 burpees each round for a total of 68 burpees.  YUCK!  My awesome training partner did a total of 86 burpees!  She's a rock star!

* According to, the distance to my neighbors mailbox and back is approximately 0.13 miles.  So my total distance running was about 0.52 miles.

Thursday, December 7, 2012

Row x 250 meters
Snatch balance (24 pounds) x 10
Knees to elbows x 5
Complete 5 rounds
= 13:50

* I only did snatch balances for 3 rounds.  I switched to back squat for the remaining 2 rounds because my wrists felt like they were going to explode.  No bueno!

* Here is a video demonstrating the snatch balance.

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